Thursday, 26 January 2012

Who's a Racist?

I'm really starting to get heartily sick of reading and watching these PC wallies telling us we are offending ethnic minorities by being proud to be Australians.  Now a professor at UWA has released a "study" in which she says that those who fly Australian flags from their cars for Australia Day are more likely to be racist.  I hope no one actually paid for this "study"! Obviously she couldn't find anything more important to research.

So, now after being told that "Happy Christmas", carols over PAs in shops, nativity plays at schools, Easter eggs ("Holiday Eggs" just don't sound quite the same do they?) and even occasionally, Anzac Day are offensive, we are now in danger of being labelled a racist if we fly our flag.  The thing is - I don't believe that the majority of these ethnic minorities who are supposed to be offended are the ones actually doing the complaining.  I don't believe that our Muslims, Jews, Buddhists etc have any problem with our Christmas and many, many of those waving the Australian flag tomorrow will not have been born here but are proud to be "new" Aussies (or Aussies in waiting perhaps).

We appear to have a whole battery of politically correct egomaniacs and academics whose sole purpose in life seems to be to foster dissension, insecurity, distrust and hatred by insinuating that these "people" are offended or racially vilified.  They surely have to have at least some vestige of intelligence to know the results of their pronouncements on the ordinary Aussies.  One has to ask if they have a hidden agenda or are they keeping the agitation going to justify their own pathetic existences?

I know who I consider to be the greatest racists in this country - and they have a lot to answer for!

Happy Australia Day


  1. My kids are really pressing me to put the flags on the car so I probably will, although it does cross my mind that I'm not sure I have to fly a flag to proclaim my Australianness. I really fight against racism in all its forms, I truly believe that we are all so connected and part of the same family. We are more similar than different and the more we meet and connect the less threatened we become. So I hope no one will think me racist if I fly my flags on my car!

  2. Jel, if the people who think you're racist for flying your flags are these PC nit wits then you've got nothing to worry about! I don't believe that the average Aussie is, in reality, racist. We're made up of way too many different nationalities, races etc for that. Go with the kids and fly your flags and have a great day.
